Borasovo profaniranje Sveučilišta: Bandić uskoro u društvu Preloga i Ružičke?

Borasovo profaniranje Sveučilišta: Bandić uskoro u društvu Preloga i Ružičke?

Akademsku zajednicu u Zagrebu šokirala je, ali ne i iznenadila vijest da rektor Zagrebačkog sveučilišta Damir Boras namjerava dodijeliti počasni doktorat Sveučilišta  zagrebačkom gradonačelniku Milanu Bandiću. Prema pisanju pojedinih medija, ta informacija ovih dana kola akademskim krugovima i nije službeno potvrđena. Rektor Boras nije se još javno očitovao o njoj, ali ju, što je također znakovito, nitko sa Sveučilišta nije ju niti demantirao.

Bilo bi zanimljivo čuti rektorove razloge zbog kojih bi gradonačelnik Zagreba trebao dobiti ovu laskavu i to jubilarnu, stotu titulu. Istina, gradonačelnik je stvarno puno “delao” u proteklih 17 godina na čelu Zagreba, i častio mnoge, ali i bio gradonačelnik kojega su pratile brojne afere i sudski procesi. Dobije li ju, Bandić će se naći u društvu uglednih dobitnika doktorata kao što su Tadija Smičiklas, koji je ujedno i dobitnik prvog doktorata prije stotinu godina, bivša britanska premijerka Margaret Thatcher, bivši američki ministar obrane William Perry, Lavoslav Ružička, Vladimir Prelog, ali i član Predsjedništva BiH Dragan Čović kojemu je doktorat dodijelio upravo rektor Boras. Prema europskoj i hrvatskoj sveučilišnoj tradiciji svaki počasni doktor osim časti i naslova prima na sebe čuvanje ugleda i dostojanstva Sveučilišta.

The meeting will be held on Monday, when more than 10,000 guests will gather in New York. Tami Joan stared at the billboard – black, white and yellow, all smiling and waved. However, this painting seems to be something not quite right. The proportions and color of the characters are ignored, and each face OG0-093 Dumps PDF looks the same pale. Tami Joan murmured Dead. They are galloping along the wide freeway. Learnguidepdf Under the lights, the road reflects a disturbing yellow light. They passed the old Testprepwell Navys naval port and again passed the Brooklyn Ferry Terminal. John finally stopped talking, 210-060 test pulled out a calculator from Texas Instruments, and started ticking Testprepwell some numbers. Tami Joan leaned back on OG0-093 Dumps PDF the back 210-060 test of the chair looking out over foggy sidewalks and gloomy faces of those who sat on the brownstone porch overlooking the highway. In the heat, they seem to be in a semi-lethargic state. Taxi is also very hot. Tami Joan reaches for the window button and wants to lower the window a little. The window did not respond, but she did not feel surprised. She reached out across John and went to the other side of the window, but he was over there too. At this moment she noticed that the door locks on both Learnguidepdf sides had disappeared. Learnguidepdf Learnguidepdf Not OG0-093 Dumps PDF even the door. She groping at the door with her hand to find the remnants of the broken door handle. 210-060 test Nothing at all – as if someone had sawn Testprepwell it with a hacksaw. What happened John asked. Well, this car door how do we 210-060 test open it Just as John looked around the door, the logo for the Midtown Tunnel flashed past. Hi John tapped the partition. You OG0-093 Dumps PDF forgot 300-075 PDF to bend, where OG0-093 Dumps PDF are you going Maybe he wants to go to the Queensboro Bridge, Tameng conjectured. Although the road to OG0-093 Dumps PDF go the bridge more distant, but can escape the OG0-093 Dumps PDF tunnel toll station. Testprepwell She sat 300-075 PDF forward and beat the plexiglass with the ring on her hand. Do you want to go that bridge The driver ignored them. Hi Not Learnguidepdf long after, they passed through the entrance to the Queensboro Bridge again. Damn John shouted. Where are you going to bring us Harlem I bet he is going to take us to Harlem. Tami Joan looks out the window. A car is moving forward with them and slowly over them. She patted the window. Help She shouts, Help The drivers car glanced at her inadvertently, then glanced, frowned. He 300-075 PDF slowed down and followed behind them. But then suddenly a taxi abrupt, down 210-060 test the exit ramp down the highway, into Queens. Taxis 300-075 PDF turn into an alley, galloping over an abandoned warehouse district, at a speed of at least 60 miles. What do you want to do Tamijong 300-075 PDF tapped the partition. Open slow Where is this Oh, God No John murmured, Look The driver did not know Testprepwell when to wear a ski boot. What do you want Shouted Tarim Joan. Do 300-075 PDF you want money We give 210-060 test you money. The man on the front seat remained silent. Tami Joan opened the bag and removed her black laptop. She leaned back to the side Testprepwell of the window and hit the window hard 300-075 PDF with a laptop corner. The huge noise seemed to have shocked the driver on the front seat, but the windowpane was fine. Testprepwell Taxi suddenly biased, almost 300-075 PDF hit the brick wall of 300-075 PDF the roadside buildings. Give you money How much I can give Learnguidepdf you a lot of money John cried angrily, tears flowing down his obese cheeks. Tami Joan again smashed the window with the computer. The screen of the computer flew out of the huge impact force, but the windows were still intact. She tried again, the computers fuselage cracked, falling from her hand. Europe, Mom Both of them were suddenly thrown violently forward. Taxi stopped abruptly in a dark alley. Driver drilled out of the car, holding a pistol in his hand. Please, please She begged. The driver walked OG0-093 Dumps PDF to the back half of the taxi, bent over and looked through the 210-060 test dirty glass to the back seat.

This place is really messy. Lyme does not like the mess when cleaning the room. He does not like the kind of chaos and roar, can not stand the harsh vacuum 210-060 test cleaner – he found himself particularly annoyed that stuff. He was satisfied with it, satisfied with 210-060 test what it OG0-093 Dumps PDF is now. This room, which he calls the office, is located OG0-093 Dumps PDF on 210-060 test the second floor of this Learnguidepdf gothic, Upper West Side apartment overlooking the Central OG0-093 Dumps PDF Park. The room was large, twenty by twenty feet 300-075 PDF Learnguidepdf square, but almost every inch of space was full of OG0-093 Dumps PDF things. Sometimes he closes his eyes and plays a game trying to discern the scent of different objects in the room thousands of books and magazines, piles of copy paper, hot TV transistors, dusty light bulbs, OG0-093 Dumps PDF 300-075 PDF Bulletin boards made of cork, as well as different upholstery materials such as vinyl, hydrogen peroxide and latex. He can distinguish 210-060 test three different brands of Scotch whiskey. And OG0-093 Dumps PDF pest guano taste. I do not want to see him and tell him Im very busy. Theres another young police officer, Ernie Banks, who is the same name as a professional baseball player, right You really should have me clean the room. Every time you wait until someone Testprepwell visits you, you will find out how dirty it is here. Visiting God, the word sounds really old, at least in Victorian terms. Far too far .– So to say, Learnguidepdf there will be a bad ceremony Dirty What Thomas said is room, but Lyme thinks he also includes 210-060 test himself as an employer. Lymes hair is dark and dense, like a twenty-year-old – though he OG0-093 Dumps PDF is twice as old. However, they are entangled in a muddle-headdresses, grooming needs Testprepwell to Testprepwell be trimmed. Black beard on his face has not scratched three days, looks dirty. He often Testprepwell woke up from his sleep because of itchy ears, indicating that the hair there should be repaired. Lymes nails are long, fingernails and toenails are the same the ugly scary pajamas on his body have been Learnguidepdf worn continuously Learnguidepdf for a week without a change. His 210-060 test eyes were slender, his Testprepwell eyes dark brown, and his face looked rather pretty – I do not know if it 210-060 test Learnguidepdf was a 300-075 PDF big 300-075 PDF deal or something else, and Blaine told him more than once. They want to talk to you, Learnguidepdf continued Thomas. They said it was very important. Well, let them know. You have not seen Leon for nearly a year. Why See him now Did you scare the bird If Learnguidepdf you scared the bird, beware I was in a Testprepwell hurry with 210-060 test you. Its very important, Lincoln. Very important, I remember what you just said. He had called earlier, I had a nap, and you were out again. You woke up until six in the morning. No, he paused. Yes, I woke up very early, but then I fell asleep again and slept well. Did you check your message Thomas said There was no 300-075 PDF talk of him. He said Testprepwell he would It was around 10 OG0-093 Dumps PDF oclock. Its just past eleven, and maybe 210-060 test hes temporarily called Testprepwell out of the Learnguidepdf emergency room, for a while. What do you want to say Did you just call . Maybe he wants to call in, and you just take up the line. Testprepwell I just What did I say Lyme asked, See youre angry, Im not saying you Learnguidepdf can not call. You Of course its always possible, I just said he might make a phone call, and you just take the line. No, you mean, this morning, fucking everything 300-075 PDF is not pleasing to the eye. You know, theres one thing called call 300-075 PDF waiting, you can pick up two calls at a time.We should have applied for one.My old friend Leon wants to do.His professional baseball player friend wants Ask them. Ask me now.

Da su odnosi između Bandića i rektora Borasa nešto više od puke formalnosti podsjeća rektorova izjava “o savršenom razumijevanju” koju je izrekao prilikom potpisivanja Sporazuma o suradnji Grada Zagreba i Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 2016. godine. Sporazumom je predviđena izgradnja stanova za znanstvene novake u Podbrežju. Iste godine Boras je dobio Nagradu grada Zagreba. Danas, dvije godine kasnije, kada Milan Bandić s 11 zastupnika u klubu povećava moć na parlamentarnoj razini  i postaje važan politički faktor, stiže vijest o dodjeli počasnog doktorata gradonačelniku. Slijed događaja možda i jest slučajan, ali malo previše podsjeća na onu Borasovu izjavu o “savršenom razumijevanju”.

Na pitanje kako komentira najave da bi Milan Bandić mogao biti dobitnik doktorata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, profesor na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zadru i Hrvatskim studijima u Zagrebu, prof. dr. Jure Zovko, kaže kako je “rektor Boras do sada napravio toliko gluposti pa ga ne bi čudilo da napravi još jednu”. Kaže kako je ovdje “svaki komentar suvišan”, ali ipak dodaje kako je upitan moral obojice. “Očito imaju visoku razinu moralnosti”, rekao je ironično Zovko dodajući kako se ovdje vjerojatno radi o nekakvom “dealu i trgovini”. Smatra da je ovoga trenutka teško sagledati kontekst u kojem se doktorat dodjeljuje, ali da je znakovito kome je Boras dodijelio počasni doktorat u zadnje vrijeme što ukazuje na trend “politiziranja Sveučilišta”.

Rektor Boras imenovao je od 2014. trojicu počasnih doktora: godine 2014. Milka Kelemena, dirigenta i skladatelja, godinu kasnije Stanka Lasića, književnog teoretičara, povjesničara, esejista i poznatog krležologa. Ovoga ljeta, akademsku zajednicu, ali i cjelokupnu javnost, iznenadilo je kada je počasni doktorat dodijelio Draganu Čoviću, osobi koji nema drugih zasluga osim što je legitimni politički predstavnik Hrvata u BiH. Samo izglasavanje nije prošlo glatko kao prilikom prijašnjih dodjela. Dvanaest članova Senata bilo je suzdržano, a pet ih je bilo protiv. Pojedini članovi Senata izjavili su tada da je to bila politička odluka i da je time ugrožena autonomija sveučilišta.