Kronologija jednog sukoba: Politički rivali postali veliki neprijatelji

Kronologija jednog sukoba: Politički rivali postali veliki neprijatelji

Ako ovako nastave, predsjednica Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović i premijer Andrej Plenković postat će ne samo veliki politički rivali nego i ljuti suparnici, pa čak i neprijatelji.
Politički se razilaze oko gotovo svih bitnih ideoloških pitanja, već mjesecima razmjenjuju optužujuće poruke, što izravno, a što preko njima odanih medija i novinara, a u četvrtak predvečer se dogodila kulminacija tog njihovog verbalnog sukobljavanja.

Predsjednica je u prilično dramatičnom priopćenju odbacila, kako ih je nazvala, konstrukcije, o svojoj umiješanosti u navodno rušenje premijera Andreja Plenkovića.
Pritom je istaknula kako je sama ta konstrukcija napravljena na temelju izjava čiju  ni vjerodostojnosti niti  istinitost nisu potvrdila nadležna tijela „izravan politički udar na državne institucije, posebice na instituciju predsjednice“.

Premijer joj je nedugo potom odgovorio pomalo cinično. „Kad bih ja tako bio osjetljiv, mogao bih svaki dan reći da sam osjetio udar. Morate biti otporni na to, nije to tako strašno“, uzvratio joj je.
„Udar je jedino SMS fabriciranje u kojemu se meni podvaljuje da sudjelujem u nečemu s druge strane zakona“, dodao je odbacujući i dalje sazivanje Vijeća za nacionalnu sigurnost što je tražila predsjednica „jer se za to nisu stekli uvjeti“.

She just wants to sleep. The plane lasted 210-260 PDF two hours later, waiting for the luggage time dragged too long. The airport shuttle bus also missed the moment, the bus as early as an hour ago Exampdfview CISA Exam already drove away. So, they have to wait for a taxi now. She stood in the waiting line, slim body due to the weight of the laptop tilted to one side. John talked about interest Examdumpsview rates and new ideas for adjusting business partners, but she only thought Examdumpsview of one 210-260 PDF thing it is Friday night at ten thirty, I want to wear 210-260 PDF pajamas, the United States and the United States to sleep. A yellow taxi endless stream passing her eyes. These cars are similar in color and 210-260 PDF shape, reminding her of insects. She remembered CISM test her when he was CISM test a child in the mountains. When she and her brother spotted a broken badger or kicked a red ant nest, she saw a Examdumpsview large group of CISA Exam limbs and hands and 210-260 PDF feet wet wriggling on the ground. This chilling feeling made her shiver. CISM test A taxi speeding over, with a sharp brake sound abrupt halt. Tami Joan Kefas dragged forward. Driver press the trunk lock, but people did not move in the car. John was upset that they had to get their luggage on board. He is used to having others help him with these CISM test things. Tami Joan does not CISM test matter. Until now, she occasionally will be surprised, I actually have a secretary, help her typing and file management. She threw the suitcase CISA Exam onto the car, closed the trunk lid, and got into the car. John followed suit. He shut the door heavily, wiping his fat cheeks and his bare forehead as hard as he had done with his luggage. First to East 72nd Street. John murmured to the driver through the bulkhead. Then go to Upper West Side, Examdumpsview Tami Joan added. Block CISA Exam the CISA Exam plexiglass CISA Exam partition between the front and rear seats covered with scratches, she could Exampdfview hardly see the driver. Taxi arrows rushed off the CISA Exam road and quickly ran up the highway to Manhattan. Look, John said. Thats why people Exampdfview are CISA Exam everywhere 210-260 PDF today. He pointed to a CISA Exam billboard that CISM test read Welcome to the 210-260 PDF United Nations Peace Conference.

I am asking you now. They want to see you. I CISA Exam only know these. Because Examdumpsview they have something, they are not, they are regular, heavy, and want. Exampdfview Lincoln. Tone. The handsome young man Exampdfview reached for 210-260 PDF his blond Exampdfview hair. He was wearing brown trousers and a white shirt, tied with a blue tie Exampdfview and the bow tie was flawless. When he hired Tommar a year ago, Lyme once told him that he could wear Examdumpsview jeans and a T-shirt CISM test to work whenever he wanted. But from that CISM test CISM test day 210-260 PDF until now, he has Exampdfview been meticulously dressed. Lyme did not know if it was because he had kept the young man so far, but he did. No one had been in custody before Thomas before for six weeks, and those who resigned were tantamount to excommunication. Well, how CISA Exam do Exampdfview you tell them I told them to give me a few minutes to let me see if you got dressed 210-260 PDF first, Examdumpsview and then they could come up. You did not ask me Self-assertion. Thank you very much. Thomas back to take a few steps toward the small stairs downstairs shouted Come on, gentlemen. What did CISA Exam CISM test they say to you, is not it Said, You have something CISM test to Examdumpsview Exampdfview hide from me. Thomas did not answer. Raim looked at the two CISM test men up the stairs. When they first entered the room Lyme first spoke. He said to Thomas Putting on the curtains, you have already disturbed the two birds too much. The actual meaning of this sentence Exampdfview was that he had enjoyed the bright morning sunshine. Can not speak. Sticking to the mouth of Examdumpsview the tape stinky and sticky, so that she can not pronounce a word. She felt despair more helplessly than the cold, handcuffed metal 210-260 PDF on her Examdumpsview wrist, compared to 210-260 PDF the short, stout fingers on her shoulders. The taxi driver, still 210-260 PDF wearing a ski boot, led her to a dark, damp corridor that Examdumpsview ran CISM test 210-260 PDF through 210-260 PDF the rows of pipes and plumbing to the basement of an office building. But she does not know where the exact location is. CISA Exam If Exampdfview I can speak to him T. J. Kofax is a fun person. Morgan Stanley third floor of CISM test the mother of insects. A negotiator. money Do CISM test you want money I give Exampdfview you money, a lot of CISA Exam money, boy. But more than a CISM test few. She thought the remarks more than ten times, desperately trying to seize his eyes as 210-260 PDF if she could deliver the remarks Exampdfview into his head. Beg for you, she CISA Exam Exampdfview begged silently. She started thinking of her Examdumpsview 401 k Examdumpsview Retirement Exampdfview Savings Fund an important U.S. tax deferred Examdumpsview savings CISA Exam plan to protect retiree benefits, with about 42 million people participating and a total Examdumpsview asset pool of more than 2 trillion. – translator, she can give her all the pensions to him. Oh, beg you She remembered the Examdumpsview scene of the last night The man turned around after watching the fireworks, pulled them off and put handcuffs on them. He put them close to the trunk, and then re-drive the road.

Tako se nastavlja verbalni rat između predsjednice i premijera koji traje već više mjeseci, a potenciran je zadnjih tjedana nakon što je krenula afera SMS. Očito je sada došlo do kulminacije nakon što je u medijima objavljen cjeloviti iskaz Franje Varge, bivšeg policijskog informatičara, kojeg je dao dan nakon uhićenja.

U tom iskazu izuzev Zdravka Mamića, koji je dobio najviše prostora, spominje se u više navrata i Plenkovićev zamjenik u HDZ-u Milijan Brkić te predsjedničin savjetnik za nacionalnu sigurnost Vlado Galić. Na jednom mjestu Varga prepričava da je je s Mamićem htio utvrditi koji su njegovi ljudi na Vrhovnom sudu, od kojih mu je spomenuo ime samo jednoga.

„Ja sam htio utvrditi koji su ostali, jer je Kolinda Grabar Kitarović krenula u rušenje Plenkovića i sve informacije kojima baratamo su potrebne…“, rekao je Varga držeći tu svoju tvrdnju toliko općepoznatom da je pred istražiteljima nije imao potrebu dalje obrazlagati.
Doduše, postavlja se pitanje je li ovo cjeloviti Vargin iskaz ili su neki dijelovi izostavljeni, kako se to kaže, zbog interesa istrage. Varga u više navrata spominje i predsjedničinog savjetnika Vladu Galića u raznim aktivnostima.

U jednoj od njih Galić je, kako tvrdi, poslao  mailom prijetnju Daliji Orešković, predsjednici Povjerenstva za sprječavanje sukoba interesa, kako bi osudila Karamarka te da je mogu pronaći na serveru. Karamarko je, znamo, proglašen krivim, odnosno, da je u sukobu interesa, ali Dalija Orešković negira da je primila tu prijetnju. Policija, svakako, može provjeriti je li upućena ta prijetnja.
I neki drugi koje Varga spominje, poput sadašnjeg i bivšeg ministra unutarnjih poslova, Darka Božinovića i Vlahe Orepića, negiraju da su su primili njegove poruke, iako on tvrdi suprotno. Za razliku od njih, Milijan Brkić i dalje šuti o navodima koji se tiču njega.

Varga se istražiteljima hvalio da mu je pomogao da mu se ne oduzme diploma šaljući profesorima u inbox podatke koje je pronašao o njihovom imovinskom stanju, ali tvrdi i da je za Brkića istraživao „jednu njemu privatno blisku osobu“.
Navodno je, prema Vargi, ovo potonje bio razlog zašto mu je Brkićev kum i vozač ministra Tolušića, Blaž Curić, dojavio da sve „makne“ s računala. „Da, da maknem, da ne istražujem više ljubavnice od pojedinih…“, stoji u njegovom iskazu iz kojeg proizlazi kako nije dalje o tome htio govoriti.

Pritom jasno treba reći kako aktivnosti koje se spominje u Varginom iskazu, ako su točne, spadaju u političko podzemlje, a oni koji su u tome sudjelovali koristeći se nezakonitim sredstvima, dio su polusvijeta bez obzira na kojim su trenutno dužnostima.

Ovaj njegov iskaz koji se pojavio u medijima, vjerojatno nije sve do čega su istražitelji uspjeli doći. Prilikom uhićenja oduzeli su mu nekolicinu prijenosnih računala te mobitele. Ono što pronađu na njima, potvrdit će ili opovrgnuti ono što je Varga govorio, a možda će pronaći i nešto o čemu do sada nije bilo riječi u javnosti.

Naime, Plenković je u četvrtak navečer odgovarajući predsjednici spomenuo „SMS fabriciranje“ u kojem se njemu „podvaljuje da sudjeluje u nečemu s druge strane zakona“.
Baš kao što ni predsjednica ne govori na koga je mislila kada odbacuje optužbe da je navodno htjela rušiti Plenkovića, isto tako ni premijer ne govori na što pritom misli.

Na navodnu SMS prepisku između njega i Martine Dalić s kojom je mahao Ivica Todorić, ili možda na neke nove, a još neobjavljene, materijale pronađene pripremljene na nekom od Varginih računala.

Predsjednica  je inače zatražila da se konačno pronađe otkuda cure podaci u medije iz istraga koje su tajne, misleći pritom ponajviše na iskaz Franje Varge. Plenković više ne spominje da mu je to sporno.

Vjerojatno je razlog u činjenici što mu afera SMS, ili barem onaj njen dio koji se pojavljuje u medijima, postaje dobar saveznik u neutraliziranju moći Milijana Brkića u HDZ-u, ali i u borbi za prevlast s  predsjednicom. Bitka je očito počela i potrajat će.