Milanović još kalkulira jer se boji poraza i titule velikog gubitnika

Milanović još kalkulira jer se boji poraza i titule velikog gubitnika

Bivši premijer Zoran Milanović još nije odlučio hoće li se kandidirati na predsjedničkim izborima krajem sljedeće godine. O tome, kako govore oni iz njemu bliskih krugova, ozbiljno razmišlja, ali još važe razloge za i protiv.

Ako bi se kandidirao i pobijedio onda bi svoju političku karijeru obogatio jednom prestižnom funkcijom, a nakon toga bi mu se zasigurno otvorila vrata i za neku sinekuru na europskoj razini. Time bi taj 52-godišnjak, kojemu je još daleko mirovina, obnovio svoju političku karijeru, a stolovanje na Pantovčaku bio bi mu i veliki izazov.
Međutim, ako bi se kandidirao i izgubio, onda bi u kronologiji hrvatskih političkih dužnosnika, i pored toga što je odradio četiri godine u Banskim dvorima, ostao zapamćen uglavnom kao onaj koji ne uspijeva. Prati ga, naime, stigma da je uspio izgubiti dvoje skoro već dobivene parlamentarne izbore (2007. i 2015.), a kada bi se tome pridodao eventualni poraz i na predsjedničkim, teško bi to podnio.

No, s obzirom na to da trenutačno na političkoj sceni i nema pravog izazivača koji bi se mogao ozbiljno suprotstaviti aktualnoj predsjednici Kolindi Grabar-Kitarović, njegovo se ime sve češće spominje u oporbenim redovima kao njenog protukandidata. I on sam, čini se, uživa u toj ulozi te ne otklanja tu mogućnost, iako je ni ne potvrđuje.
Trenutno se bavi privatnim poduzetništvom. Njegova tvrtka za savjetovanje sa samo jednim zaposlenim prošle je godine ostvarila dobit od oko pola milijuna kuna. Većinu prihoda ostvario je u zemlji, a manji dio je vjerojatno došao od albanskog premijera Edija Rame kojemu je postao savjetnikom. Uz to se angažirao i na jednoj zagrebačkoj visokoj školi za međunarodne odnose i diplomaciju gdje su ga postavili za predsjednika Diplomatskog vijeća.

He stood there for a long time. Bestexamview Tami Joan and John desperately retreated until they reached the other side of the door, holding two sweaty bodies tightly together. The drivers hand bent into 70-346 Exam the shape of a cup, blocking the lights 70-412 Exam shone on the street light, looked at them more carefully. Suddenly, a loud noise echoed in the air. Tameron could not help but constricted a while, and John made a short, screaming scream. Behind the driver, the air in the distance was filled with bright red and blue flame 70-412 Exam stripes instantly. Then 70-412 Exam again is a few roar and Bestexamview 70-412 Exam scream. The driver turns and looks up, just to see a huge, orange-red cobweb over the city. It was a fireworks, and Tamie remembered the news read in the newspaper. It is a gift from the host and the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the delegates attending the conference and welcomes them to this great city on Earth. The driver turned toward the taxi again. Pat soon, he opened the door Examtestview lock, slowly opened the door. 2 As usual, the informant did not leave a name. Therefore, there is no other 70-697 test way to 70-346 Exam pour back into the past to understand what the reporter said is a piece of open space. The headquarters radio said He said it was on the 37th Street near Eleventh Street. Examtestview Those Examtestview at the Notification Center never Examtestview figured out where the exact location of the murder was. Although it is nine oclock in the morning, it has made people sweat more 70-697 test than hot. Emilia Shakes lay aside a tall grass thatch. She is conducting a search of 70-697 test light – a jargon of crime scene investigators – searching for suspicious objects with an S-shaped route. Nothing Examtestview Bestexamview at all She looked down at the intercom on the dark blue uniform shirt. Patrolman 70-412 Exam 5885 calls headquarters without any notice. Do you have any further news The dispatcher replied in a bumpy noise 5885, there is no more information about the scene of the crime at the moment, but one thing The informant said he hoped the victim was dead. Please say it again, headquarters. The complainant said Examtestview he hoped the victim 70-697 test was already dead. He 70-346 Exam Bestexamview said it would be best if so. Finished. Hopefully the victim Dead Shakes struggled across a broken barbed wire and began searching for another piece of open space. Still not found. She wants to leave. Just call 10-90, 70-697 test report that without any discovery, you can return to the Si Si area, it is her daily Examtestview patrol area. Her knees hurt and she felt as if she had Examtestview been roasted Bestexamview on a terrible August day. She just wanted to slip to the Port 70-346 Exam Authority and get stuck Bestexamview with the Little Furrier there 70-697 test and come back to a large can of Arizona iced tea. Then, at eleven thirty – just two hours now – she was able to clear the drawers in the south section of Midtown and go to the lower town for training. But she finally did not do this. She can not 70-697 test leave this briefing without answering the phone call. As she continued to move on, she walked along the hot sidewalk through the path between the two abandoned apartments and into 70-346 Exam another covered, planted area. She slid her slender forefinger 70-697 test down into her flat-top hat and scratched it with irresistible restraints through layers of long, red hair on her head. In order to scratch more scalp, she simply faded her cap 70-346 Exam side, while crazy scratch. Sweat streaming down her forehead, itchy, so she fiercely blew a few brows.

Further report. Criminal 70-697 test case 70-412 Exam found near railroad between 38th and 11th Street. Bestexamview Homicide. Completed. Criminal police, forensics, ambulance and emergency medical Finished. Received, 5885. Caught the suspect yet Finished. No suspects found. 5885, finished. Shakes looked at the finger, that root was cut off the bones exposed bones finger. She looked at the glittering diamond ring, those eyes, 70-346 Exam and that twisted mouth Europe, that horrible mouth. Thriller spread throughout her body. Emilia Shakes swimming in the water snake river during Examtestview the summer camp, and absolutely did not Examtestview hesitate to jumped from the 100-foot 70-346 Exam bridge, but as long as she thought of a hush think 70-412 Exam of Was tied into a ball, could not move, immediately fell into the feeling of panic like an electric shock. Because of this, Shakes walked so fast and was so crazy when driving. As long as you move, they can not catch you Examtestview She Bestexamview heard Bestexamview a voice and quickly looked up. A rumbling sound came from far and louder and louder. Few pieces of shredded paper are raised by the wind and fly along the rails. Dust circling around her, 70-346 Exam like Examtestview an angry ghost. Then there was a deep whine Emiliano Shakespear, 70-412 Exam a five-foot-nine patrolman, found himself facing the locomotive of a 31-ton American-American company. The red, white, blue-faced steel behemoth is approaching her Examtestview at ten miles an hour. Stop Stop She shouted. The train driver ignored her. Shakes ran to the railway, standing in the middle of the rails, swinging his 70-697 test Examtestview legs waving his arm, signaling the driver to 70-412 Exam stop moving forward. With a long and harsh brakes, the locomotive stopped. Driver head out of the window. You can not open here, she said to him. He asked her 70-697 test what it meant. She thought, he looked so 70-346 Exam young, actually driving such a large locomotive. 70-412 Exam Here is a crime scene, please turn off the 70-346 Exam engine. Miss, I did not see any crime. But Shakes 70-697 test did not have time to listen to him long-winded. She was looking up at a gap in the barbed wire fence 70-346 Exam Bestexamview 70-412 Exam to the 70-412 Exam west of the Bestexamview 70-697 test viaduct. Not far from above is Eleven Street. One way of trying to bring a victim here is to find 70-346 Exam that there is a way to stop the car at Eleven Street and drag the victim across the narrow path to the edge of the cliff. If you park your Bestexamview car on the 37th Street in the horizontal direction, he may be seen by people in the windows of Examtestview 20 apartments. The Examtestview train, sir, just stop it here. I can not park the train here. Turn off the engine. In this case we 70-412 Exam can not turn off the train engine and Bestexamview it must Bestexamview be 70-412 Exam running. You call the dispatch or 70-346 Exam someone else to stop the train to Nankai. We Bestexamview can not do that. Get it right, sir, Ive noticed the number of your car The car Youd better do it right away Shakes roared. What do 70-697 test you want, Miss, give me a 70-412 Exam ticket But Emilio Shakus climbed back up the steep hill again. Her poor knuckles crunched, her lips covered in lime, dirt, and her own sweat. She drilled through the gap she had 70-412 Exam found on the tracks and turned around to study the Javets Convention Center across 11th Avenue and Bestexamview across the street. The convention center is full of people 70-697 test today – there are participants 70-697 test and journalists. A huge banner reads Welcome United Nations Representative. Earlier in the morning, however, there was still no one on the street, and the murderer could easily find a parking space in the street, before the people unwittingly moved the victim to the tracks. Shakespeare strode to Eleventh Street and 70-346 Exam observed the six-lane main road, which is 70-346 Exam now full of traffic. Let it go She burst into the car sea, calmly cut off traffic on the north lane. Several drivers tried hard to force her to issue two tickets in a row. In the end, they dragged a few rubbish bins to the center of the road as roadblocks to ensure that these good citizens abided by the rules.

No, iako je u toj službi proveo većinu svog radnog vijeka, Milanović je sve samo ne klasični diplomat. Politika mu je, kako se kaže, u krvi, voli tu vrstu nadmetanja, ne štedi druge, a nisu ni oni njega. Još dugo nećemo zaboraviti njegove izjave iz zadnje kampanje kada je u privatnim razgovorima, koji su kasnije dospjeli u javnost, spominjao „vojne lekarke“, dio srbijanskih političara je okarakterizirao kao „šaku jada“, BiH mu je kao država bila „great shit“, a doznali smo i za „djeda ustašu“ u njegovoj široj obitelji.
Nimalo nježniji nije bio ni prema mnogima u vlastitoj stranci dok im je bio šef. „Milanović je vrlo sklon osobnim spačkama i diskvalifikacijama. Ružno i pogano zna govoriti o ljudima, čak i o svojim najbližim suradnicima“, napisala je svojedobno o njemu jedna novinarka sklona lijevoj opciji.

Takvim pristupom stekao je neke prijatelje jer se voli neformalno odnositi, ali i puno protivnika, čak neprijatelja. Dosta ih ima i u SDP-u koji bi na kraju, ako se na to odluči, trebao potvrditi njegovu predsjedničku kandidaturu, a to možda neće proći bez problema. Sadašnji čelnik SDP-a Davor Bernardić ranije je govorio kako će ta stranka odluku o predsjedničkom kandidatu donijeti demokratski, na stranačkim tijelima „vjerojatno iza europskih izbora“.

No, raste pritisak da se to napravi ranije. Tako je prije nekoliko dana Gordan Maras, saborski zastupnik SDP-a, javno pozvao Milanovića da se konačno odluči. Da je vrijeme za odluku misli i čelnik HSS-a Krešo Beljak prema kojemu je Milanović bio izdašan kad su sklapali koaliciju (pa ima pet zastupnika u Saboru), te mu je na određeni način i dužnik, ali unatoč tome drži kako nema više smisla oklijevati s kandidaturom.

„Ne možete u utrku ući kasno, svi koji misle biti kandidati moraju u roku od mjesec, dva, istaknuti kandidaturu, inače će Kolinda biti favorit“, rekao je Beljak u subotu na Okruglom stolu HSS-a na koji je, očito ne bez valjanog razloga, došao i Milanović. No, opet je uskratio odgovor na pitanje hoće li se kandidirati. „Hvala vam, tu sam došao slušati“, samo je kratko kazao brojnim novinarima.

Ni Anka Mrak-Taritaš iz Glasa nije previše strpljiva, a možda i ima svoju računicu. I ona traži da oporba pronađe ozbiljnog protukandidata Kolindi, a što se tiče Milanovića kazala je da je kao ministrica  s njim odlično surađivala, dodavši znakovito „predsjednička funkcija je drugačija“.

Na zanimljiv razlog zašto Milanović još oklijeva i kakva bi mu mogla biti konačna odluka, ukazala je proteklih dana bivša ministrica u njegovoj vladi Mirela Holy, danas komunikacijska stručnjakinja.

„Njegova odluka o izlasku uvelike ovisi o tome kakav će biti status Kolinde Grabar-Kitarović. Ako će biti kandidatkinja HDZ-a iza koje će HDZ čvrsto stajati, mislim da Zoran Milanović neće ići na predsjedničke izbore“, ocijenila je Holy.

Ako je tomu tako, onda će Milanović još prilično dugo morati izbjegavati novinarske odgovore. Kolinda je, naime, kazala kako će o svojoj kandidaturi za drugi mandat odlučiti tek nakon izbora za Europski parlament, dakle, u lipnju sljedeće godine. Nakon te objave znat će se i službeni stav HDZ-a, a dotad će biti razvidnije hoće li vodstvo te stranke čvrsto stati iza nje.
No, ako se odluči za tu varijantu čekanja pitanje je hoće li one grupacije koje bi ga eventualno poduprle, takvo odugovlačenje prihvatiti. Izbori su, naime, za nešto više od godine dana, Kolinda kroz predsjedničke aktivnosti posredno vodi i vlastitu kampanju, dok oporba do daljnjeg nema nikoga na kojeg bi mogla zaigrati kako bi je ugrozio.
Ako njihov kandidat neće biti Milanović koji već ima svoju prepoznatljivost, ali i političku popudbinu koju neki drže i njegovim teretom, oduzima se vrijeme i prostor nekom drugom kandidatu iz tih redova da dovoljno rano iziđe u javnost i počne se profilirati kao osoba koja ima što ponuditi za tu dužnost.

U tom kontekstu bivši premijer će se vjerojatno najkasnije početkom sljedeće godine morati izjasniti prihvaća li ili odbija predsjedničku utrku. Ako bude čekao rasplet između HDZ-a i Kolinde, vjerojatno će sve manje biti onih koji će sa strpljenjem gledati na njegovo kalkuliranje.